
Happy Military Monday to all of our service members and their Families out there!  Don't you just love all of the initiatives that have sprung up on social media sites to honor our service member heroes!

How can you celebrate "Military Monday," you ask? These are a few ways to get started!


If you're on Twitter, just add the hashtag "#militarymon" to any tweet about the military on Mondays ~ Honoring our military one tweet at a time each and every Monday on Twitter starting at 0001 Kabul. This is a non-partisan place to honor the military with no official affiliation to an organization or non-profit.

For a little more on the #militarymon hashtag, see:

Also, you can watch all the #militarymon tweets on:


Join the "#MilitaryMon" fan page on Facebook to keep up with all the great things happening on Mondays.

You can also participate in the Moment of Silence ~ Honor our fallen heroes from the week every Monday at 6 pm CST. Tweet out #militarymon #mos.

For more information, join the "Moment of Silence" Facebook fan page .


A wonderful Army wife has initiated a "Military Mondays Carnival" on her oh-so-fabulous blog, Army Wives’ Lives!

To find out how to join all the military spouses blogging about life in the military on Mondays, visit here:

Military Mondays Family and Spouse Carnival at Army Wives' Lives

Please let us know of other initiatives as you find them. We'd love to participate ... and help spread the word. Here's to a marvelous Military Monday to all of you!


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