

Boo Boo Bear's Mission
Our battalion hosted a battalion-wide FRG Family Night in August. It's essentially a combined FRG Meeting, including a potluck dinner, photo slide show of our Soldiers downrange, report from the Rear Detachment Commander, presentation from our brigade MFLC, and battery break-out sessions.

The kids watched the slide show with us then moved to the back of the room (with a temporary divider) to have some fun with our childcare team. After they enjoyed dinner together, they created their own picnic scenes using these cute sticker kits from Oriental Trading Company.

A volunteer then read a book titled BooBoo Bear's Mission, a cute true story of a teddy bear who travels to Iraq to carry a Family's love until they can be together again.  Each child then received an adorable "Battalion Buddy" from the amazing group, Operation Gratitude.  Each box contained a stuffed animal in camoflauge plus two boxes of Girl Scout cookies.  If your FRG hasn't ordered these before and your Soldiers are deployed, contact them today!  It's a great deal and the kids were thrilled with their gifts!
The meeting started with a potluck "Picnic" dinner.
Kids enjoyed a picnic dinner then created their own picnic scene with stickers.  Oriental Trading is such a great resource for fun and inexpensive crafts for kids!
"We Love You 'Beary' Much" banner from the kids for their Soldiers.
Kids open their Operation Gratitude box ... containing a stuffed animal in camo plus two boxes of Girl Scout cookies.  So fun!
Kids with their 'battalion buddies' from Operation Gratitude!

See more photos at the battalion Facebook photo album:  August FRG Family Night.

For more ideas on this FRG Meeting theme, visit:

FRG Meeting: Teddy Bear Picnic on Pinterest

Picnic Food Ideas on Pinterest


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