

One of our FRG Leaders recently came up with the idea to create a "We are thankful for our Red Dragon Soldiers" banner to display in the unit headquarters. She did a great job and it turned out really cute.

She cut 150 feathers out of cardstock paper in fall colors while another very talented leader drew and cut out the turkey shapes.  At our November FRG Family Night (which is basically a battalion-wide FRG Meeting), each person was asked to write their Soldier's name and explain why they were thankful for him/her.  The kids did a great job drawing pictures and the spouses had some wonderfully heartfelt words to share.

The day after the meeting, three ladies met together to put the banner together and display it in our battalion's headquarters.  We look forward to our heroes reading the sweet words written about them!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Kids start the meeting making "I am thankful for ..." mini books and decorating their turkey feathers.
Working on the turkey feathers!
Putting the banner up in battalion headquarters
Close-up of a small turkey
Close-up of another small turkey
We are thankful for our Red Dragon Soldiers!
The lovely ladies who made this happen for us!


  1. Love!

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