All information for this blog post was taken directly from the Dog Tags for Kids website. Visit today!
The Dog Tags for Kids Project is dedicated to helping United States Service men and women in most harm's way connect with their children at home. Specially engraved Dog Tags in the appropriate service color are provided FREE to the service members for their children. Dog tags are engraved "With Love From Dad, U.S. Army, Iraq 2011."
The dog tags must come from the parents so all dog tags are sent to Iraq, Kuwait, or Afghanistan at the request of the service members to send to their children; from their hearts to their children’s hearts. We are a grassroots project depending entirely on volunteers and donations to continue this mission. All donations go through the Kids Charities of the Antelope Valley, a 501(c)3 charity. Our goal is to see the every parent soldier in most harm's way who wants a dog tag for his/her children receives one at no charge to the service member or their families.
The dog tags must come from the parents so all dog tags are sent to Iraq, Kuwait, or Afghanistan at the request of the service members to send to their children; from their hearts to their children’s hearts. We are a grassroots project depending entirely on volunteers and donations to continue this mission. All donations go through the Kids Charities of the Antelope Valley, a 501(c)3 charity. Our goal is to see the every parent soldier in most harm's way who wants a dog tag for his/her children receives one at no charge to the service member or their families.
Our Values
- We never sell, share, or disclose any information received from military members requesting dog tags.
- We never quote any military member, family member, or other interested party unless they give us direct permission.
- We never sell or share donor information.
- Donors have the option of making anonymous donations.
- Donors names are never passed on to other organizations.
- We do not publish any photos without written permission and all names are removed to protect the privacy of each individual.
- We are absolutely committed to maintaining this project as apolitical.
- We respect everyone’s right to free speech but we will not condone ANYONE treating the military with less then the complete respect they deserve.
The Story Behind The Effort
We heard a story about a Soldier who was in Iraq, and he wanted to sent his kids a package. They were so excited to receive it because they got something from Dad who had been away for some time. He sent the only things he had access to: a couple of band aids and some sun screen. The kids didn't care, after all, it came from Dad!!We tried to think of something we could send Mom or Dad that they could easily send back to their kids. What soldier's child doesn't want a dog tag of their own, especially one like Mom or Dad wears?
The older kids can put it on their key rings, the little ones can put it on their back pack or jacket zippers and the middle kids can actually wear it since we are sending them all with chains.
100% of Your Donation Delivers Smiles
This is a grassroots effort to show our support for the troops and their families. We tried to think of something we could send Dad or Mom that they could easily send back to their kids. This is something easy to ship and something the kids can hang on to until Dad or Mom gets back home.
Your donation will help send a tag in the appropriate service color to an appreciative service member. There is NO charge to the service member or their family for these tags. As of January 2011, we have sent 608,575 tags to the troops overseas to send home to their children. Please help us make a difference and thank our troops by putting a smile on their kid's faces!