

Okay, okay, so it wasn't really a party ... but we did have a good time! Our volunteers gathered at the battalion headquarters to load gift baskets and transport them to the temporary barracks where our Soldiers will be returning. In each room, we did a little minor cleaning, made beds, placed gift baskets, and prepared the rooms for the Soldiers' return. It was freezing cold and we were traipsing up three flights of stairs in two different buildings to make it happen, but our volunteers were fabulous. We finished in record time and are so happy to have prepared these rooms for our heroes.

Fabulous volunteers ready to make up single Soldier rooms!
My adorable nieces came to help the Soldiers.  Here, they look out over the Motor Pools and say, "That's a lot of Army stuff."  =)  Love them!
Our note to the Soldiers ... Welcome Home, Heroes!
Beds made and gift basket prepared.
Hand towels, wash cloths, hand soap are in place.
Snacks and goodies for all.
I appreciate these amazing volunteers (and a few more not pictured here) that made this day happen.  Our Soldiers will feel the love when they return home!


  1. How wonderful! Our FRG did something similar to this after one the deployments. I know it is greatly appreciated.

  1. What about the married Soldiers, what did you do for them?

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